Thursday, October 8, 2015

Shakeology Latte!

So I wanted to share the new flavor as I get myself back on track with Beachbody. I must say I am a caffeine addict but the withdrawals have been terrible for me lately as I get back on my road to eating clean once again.

And what you will need to know on the shake!

Does it contain more caffeine than other Shakeology flavors?
No. The caffeine levels are the same as those in all other Shakeology flavors.
When is the new flavor scheduled to launch? 
Coming soon in 2016.

Why Ultimate Reset vs. 3 day Fresh?

Hi Everyone!

You know when they say that you become what you eat? Well, a year ago I went through a surgery that completely changed me. My immune system started to deteriorate and developed allergies to things I never had before! As you know I've always been pretty healthy and lived up to having a fit life; however, my vitality was lacking. 

I started to set myself up for failure. And now I understand after listening to Brian Tracey, as to why my behavior has been completely off. It's not just some of the negative things in my life, in fact, I've been through worse before, yet, lately one thing just completely set me off to become a complete tyrant. Now I've realized it wasn't my situation, but rather the healthy lifestyle I was living led me to be more positive and also surrounding myself with Beachbody friends was uplifting to me.

When I left Beachbody, Shakeology and my consistency to working out and eating clean--I was off....NO REALLY! I was completely HAYWIRE Believe it or not, the foods you eat can influence your way of thinking. Please refer to amazing Brian Tracey's video on "7 Keys To Positive Thinking"  as he talks about nutrition being one of the biggest factors. 

So now that I've explained my back journey and why I've fallen and come back. I can be more reasonable as to why this product is just amazing to me <3

Last time I did Ultimate Reset I lost 20 lbs. while eating ALL THE TIME. Yes, it's VERY tough because you are removing dairy and meat from  your diet the first week, however, you are cleansing yourself as you're consistently eating and taking in the supplements given by Ultimate Reset (Detox, Alkanizer,  Mineralize, Soothe, etc..

Why it works and WHY I prefer a LONGER program than the 3 day fresh. 

-Teaches you to eat clean
-You dont workout for 3 weeks (I need this break as I restart myself)
-You expel nutrients that are in your system that at times water and heavy detox plans cannot do, this does it very softly
- Neutralizes Ph levels (this is imperative as I have acid reflux)
-I lost 20 lbs. and kept it for a whileeee! Did not gain it right away like most other detox programs where you are starving yourself (you're dumbing down your metabolism)
- Do not recommend to people that are vegan. Most of the time their results aren't as drastic as the other ones!

If you have any question,  you can feel free to email me! :) or considering purchasing this product , you can look at my page over at:

The video from Brian Tracey! :) 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spirit Driven Success

Personal Development!

I always talk about it and it seems most people don't understand that EVERYONE needs personal development. Who doesn't want to better themselves ? Become a better leader and lead a better life? 

This week I am reading Dani Johnson's "Spirit Driven Success" and so far after my lack of faith and questioning God for some of my slip ups lately, I realized, this book was a beautiful awakening. I had put my focus on people, instead of God. I realized I was at one point as lost as Dani (spiritually) and when I found God he lifted me up.

You see, I am not raised a Christian but one thing I can tell you is becoming successful is not because you have greed or overly ambitious. In her book she explains why God WANTS you to succeed and take the first steps! A lot of times we feel like we don't deserve good or we criticize those who are wealthy, however, you are setting yourself up for failure because deep down you would like to be just like them.

This is why Dani Johnson has been a great success coach I have picked up this week. The only way you can succeed and be raised out of poverty is by doing all in God's name. And this is exactly what the concept of the book entails. Not even finished and it's changed me.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Ultimate reset second round week 1

Extremely happy with the results so far on reset . Lost 9 lbs and feeling my energy come back. It's been a struggle but this journey has made me so humble. Never underestimate your health and every morning you get ! Now I'm. Grateful as i tried to make a comeback again 

A huge tip while on reset ! Especially for a person that's on the go ! Make sure to keep your little bag handy at all times . Prepare the day before so there are no slip ups !

📍follow along the the different weeks down to the t
📍make sure to stock up on distilled water
📍you're going to eat a lot of food !
📍 if you're vegan I don't recommend it as much since results will vary based on previous customers . I've had coaches on this plan and they've lost 4 lbs following to the t and another losing 15 lbs not following to the t. Depends on you
📍no exercising ... That's a good thing as you make the transition!
📍 prepare for the weekend . Stay strong as you see the number on the scale go down !!! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ultimate Reset ...Why? Not 3 DAY FRESH?

Hi Everyone!

You know when they say that you become what you eat? Well, a year ago I went through a surgery that completely changed me. My immune system started to deteriorate and developed allergies to things I never had before! As you know I've always been pretty healthy and lived up to having a fit life; however, my vitality was lacking. 

I started to set myself up for failure. And now I understand after listening to Brian Tracey, as to why my behavior has been completely off. It's not just some of the negative things in my life, in fact, I've been through worse before, yet, lately one thing just completely set me off to become a complete tyrant. Now I've realized it wasn't my situation, but rather the healthy lifestyle I was living led me to be more positive and also surrounding myself with Beachbody friends was uplifting to me.

When I left Beachbody, Shakeology and my consistency to working out and eating clean--I was off....NO REALLY! I was completely HAYWIRE Believe it or not, the foods you eat can influence your way of thinking. Please refer to amazing Brian Tracey's video on "7 Keys To Positive Thinking"  as he talks about nutrition being one of the biggest factors. 

So now that I've explained my back journey and why I've fallen and come back. I can be more reasonable as to why this product is just amazing to me <3

Last time I did Ultimate Reset I lost 20 lbs. while eating ALL THE TIME. Yes, it's VERY tough because you are removing dairy and meat from  your diet the first week, however, you are cleansing yourself as you're consistently eating and taking in the supplements given by Ultimate Reset (Detox, Alkanizer,  Mineralize, Soothe, etc..

Why it works and WHY I prefer a LONGER program than the 3 day fresh. 

-Teaches you to eat clean
-You dont workout for 3 weeks (I need this break as I restart myself)
-You expel nutrients that are in your system that at times water and heavy detox plans cannot do, this does it very softly
- Neutralizes Ph levels (this is imperative as I have acid reflux)
-I lost 20 lbs. and kept it for a whileeee! Did not gain it right away like most other detox programs where you are starving yourself (you're dumbing down your metabolism)
- Do not recommend to people that are vegan. Most of the time their results aren't as drastic as the other ones!

If you have any question,  you can feel free to email me! :) or considering purchasing this product , you can look at my page over at:

The video from Brian Tracey! :) 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015